Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Cats and Coconut Oil-The experiment

I love my pets, the more I find out about coconut oil, the more excited I get. My cats were rescue kittys. I adopted my male cat Dante in 2007, he had no health issue when we adopted him, soon after about 3 years he was less active living in an apartment, but having lots of toys and running up and down the apartment hall. Soon, I felt it was time to get him a kitty friend. I went back to the same shelter June 2010 and pick out a female kitty, who looked healthy and was about 6 weeks old and only 3-4lbs. I took my new kitty to the vet to get checked out, and it was soon discovered that she had feline herpes, a respiratory infection which causes sneezing and wheezy asthma. It was very important that Dante be checked out to see if he caught the infection, later to learn that he too has Feline Herpes, but was treated with antibiotics and Lysine and both kitty cats are fine. A few month later,Lana became a chronic groomer to humans and to Dante. Dante has a build up of tartar on his teeth and became over weight by 5lbs, he weighs 17lbs and Lana weight about 6lbs, but she plays hard , she pants alot and a little wheezy.
I wanted to find natural remedies to help both kittys to live a long healthy happy life. Coconut oil is part of their diet, and I know for sure, there will be less hair balls hacking up from both cats and Dante will have more energy and healthy teeth and gums and the fur coats have already become shiny and less shedding. I made a quick video, introducing my kitty cats and what happened to them after a nibble of the coconut oil.
Now, when I swish the coconut oil, they also get the dose, together we will be documenting our progress over the next few months

I love my pets, I want the best health possible for them. I consume and swish coconut oil daily, the kitty cats began a tiny amount once a day and I will be documenting their results, especially with Dante who has tartar build up on his teeth.

# Coconut oil is a safe, natural and edible oil that can be very beneficial for your domestic pet, including cats and dogs. The oil is derived from pressed coconuts and the purest form of the product is 100% cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, which means that it has not been heated or refined and contains only high quality oil. Coconut oil is available at health food stores or online.
Skin and Coat
# Coconut oil can be very beneficial for pets when taken internally. Adding the oil to their food is the simplest way to include it in their diet. Just a few drops a day can be very beneficial to the coat, moisturizing the skin and hair. Coconut oil can be used in its semi-solid form or warmed slightly to make it liquid. For dogs and cats, add 1/4 teaspoon of oil for every 10 pounds they weigh. Slowly increase to 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of weight per day, or 1 Tablespoon for every 30 pounds. Increase the dosage slowly, and if you notice any irregular bowel movements or an upset stomach, decrease the amount you're giving them. Allow your pet time to adjust to smaller amounts before attempting to increase it again.
Healing Properties
# Externally, coconut oil can be applied to cracked paw pads, wounds, scratches and cuts, like a healing salve. It can be used inside the mouth on sores and on teeth as a toothpaste. Coconut oil may also be applied to fungal infections, bites and stings--skin ailments of almost any kind.
In the Ears
# Slightly warmed coconut oil may be dropped inside your pet's ears to treat ear mites and infected ears. If using a cotton swab, be careful not to place the swab very far into the ear--use it only to apply the oil to the outside of the ear canal, where it can get into the ear on its own.
Skin Irritations
# Coconut oil may get rid of odors on your pet's coat and help cats to eliminate fur balls. It can also benefit pets with difficult skin conditions such as eczema, allergy to fleas or other allergies.

Update:: the experiment continues 2-19-2011

The experiment continues-I received a free sample of Expeller- Pressed Certified USDA Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. Both Kitty Cats were not tricked in anyway to eat the cat food with the coconut oil in it. I let the coconut oil remain in solid form so that they could see it, I did not blend it or hide it from them.

How is Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil for Pets Different?
Tropical Traditions, Inc Answers-
"Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil for Pets is the same as our regular certified organic Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil, except that it has not been completely deodorized and will have a "smokey" flavor to it. Those wanting a bland coconut oil may find the taste too strong. It is still certified organic and is still a high quality edible coconut oil."

"How We Discovered Virgin Coconut Oil - An Interview with Brian Shilhavy, CEO Tropical Traditions" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h6eyc...

Excellent, kitchen-tested recipes can be found on our Free Coconut Recipes blog here: http://www.freecoconutrecipes.com

*** Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.

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