I believe that the ketogenic diet works for someone like me. I am not a mobile as I use to be, I have had some flare ups recently with my psoriactic arthritis and also recently changed new doctors who are trying new medications on me, which I really won't care to share at this moment because these drugs may be what I need to set my immune system back to normal and not over reacting.

I plan to document more about my auto immune disease soon, but for now, I want to get that extra weight off from not being able to walk and move around, and get the energy I need to mentally and physically become active again. I have been through a lot of personal changes in the past year and let those changes benefit me into this year as I gain more knowledge about my disease and more knowledge of how I can live a decent life with pain management,clean eating and detoxing my body of gunk my liver loves to store if I don't do something about it now.
What is the Fat Fast? Well, I have followed many blogs and really tweak it to my own schedule of “condensed eating window” as in a very good article on Mark's Daily Apple page, here is the link http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-intermittent-fasting/#axzz2wCoqLKCG
Marks says "Choose your own timing and length of window based on your schedule and preferences. If you can’t decide, you can consider condensing your eating between the hours of eleven and 5:00 p.m." I chose to eat between 12pm and 6pm and will oil pull 3 times a day, morning, noon and before bed, empty stomach, and eat 3 tablespoons of coconut oil within that time frame of 12pm-6pm, I usually cook with the oil too, so it won't be hard at all to consume 3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil at all. I also plan to follow a bit of the Atkins Fat Fast too.
I believe 18 hours is a good enough fast time for me and usually can last 6 weeks if I stay focused.
The main reason I am doing this is of course to start the fat loss process, but also to stay connected with my mental wellness to over come any difficulties I endure and to know that through out my life, things happen that I have little control over outside of me, but when I can control the strength and focus of positive thoughts, anything is possible, especially living with chronic pain, and still being able to enjoy life and all that is offered to me. What I eat will depend on my ability to stay focused and not that I have temptations, of course I do, but to know that being in a ketogenic state mean my body knows what to do with the extra ketones I don't need.

Eggs-no hormone, cagefree
Butter, real butter
virgin coconut oil
virgin olive oil
dark meat chicken-hormone free
cream cheese
heavy whipping cream
home made ranch dressing cheese
fibrous carbs-green leafy veggies
bone broth
bacon-apple gate
cottage cheese
nuts, almonds, walnuts, and macadamians
coffee tea
30-40 net carbs daily, fats, protein, carb ratio

Fat fasting is an good way (for me) to lose fat with minimal muscle loss.
Here is another great link to read: Atkins Fat Fast
by Dana Carpenter-http://www.carbsmart.com/fat-fasting-really-is-as-awesome-as-i-thought.html
Hi Bonnie, I am so happy to have found your informative blog. My husband has diabetes and has to watch his carbs. This is new to us and we are finding it very hard. We've done the low fat thing forever, but watching carbs is giving us some stress. I'm sure that reading your blog will help. I have been trying to follow and I keep getting a message to try again later, so I will :) Also, I would love to have you follow me back . . . I love making new blogging friends.
Have a lovely weekend.
Connie :)
thanks so much, sure will follow you back, happy days, just know you are eliminating a lot of foods that cause hidden health problems.
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