Friday, October 15, 2010

Are you made out of corn?-King Corn

I really hope everyone gets the picture soon about HFCS, high fructose corn syrup Take a look, at the wonderful documentary called KING CORN PBS | April 23, 2008 Two recent college graduates embark on a mission to see where America's food comes from—by growing it. In the rural town of Greene, Iowa, the two friends plant a single acre of the nation's most powerful crop, and then set out to follow it from a seed to the dinner plate. Watch a 20-minute clip from KING CORN on Independent Lens, a weekly series airing on PBS. Hosted by Terrence Howard, the acclaimed series showcases powerful and innovative independent films. Presented by ITVS, Independent Lens is broadcast on PBS stations nationwide. Visit the Web site for more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bonnie, it's TheNewChristina! Thought I'd stop by and say, "Hi," and leave a comment about this. Did you know they are trying to call HFCS to corn sugar? Trying to fool people into thinking it's NOT HFCS! :(