Saturday, March 5, 2011

Update on my Oil Pulling Experiment,

This was an amazing day for me, I just finished oil pulling on an empty stomach for 20 minutes...then, the burst of energy happen, and I did my laundry, ran up and down the stairs several times and was getting ready to watch the Oscars, and then I decided to make low carb pizza's with low carb tortilla's and then decided to make a video. This day was a totally pain free day, I had no joint pain, amazing energy and I believe the Oil Pulling helped enhance my over whelming energy that day...I am still in the experiment stage, and my next video and blog will relate more of the changes that are going on with me...stay tune, I have alot to share, and and up date on my just starting with some fasting along with my low carb lifestyle...I am not 100% yet, but soon, I will pick a date to committe, right now, I am still trying to get my walking in, the time will be changing soon, and it will remain day light longer, my favorite time of the year!

I had a good day today, the sun was shining, my joint pain was gone, and I had a low carb Oscars pizza party!!--

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.

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