Showing posts with label "coconut oil" "oil pulling" healthy wellness "weight loss" "low carb" enbre "psoriatic arthritis". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "coconut oil" "oil pulling" healthy wellness "weight loss" "low carb" enbre "psoriatic arthritis". Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Coconut Oil Health Benefits-My Immune System Protector



  I carry the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA-B27genetic marker), Nov. 2008, I was diagnosed with Reactive Arthritis/Psoriatic Arthritis/Psoriatic Spondylitis which is an inflammatory autoimmune disease-basically,my immune systems turns against me and attacks my healthy joints causing severe joint /back pain and could not walk for 6 month, I gained a lot of weight until my life style changed and my joint pain from auto immune disease became can read more about me here, on my youtube front page-
Hello 2012-this is a re-post of my coconut oil healthy benefits page, but I want to still give this testomony on how healthy coconut oil if for me, and how remarkable it is to discover this oil and how I depend on it to help me stay healthy especially now that I am back on Enbrel(which shuts down my immune system) for my severe joint pain due to psoriatic arthritis/reactive arthritis.
I am protecting my immune system and the weight loss needs a huge jump start as I am about 30lb heavier since going back on Enbrel, but now I can walk again, now I can start back my exercise, and now I can continue practicing balance in my life, so many changes, and I need to be strong in my physical health and my mental health. Coconut oil is a wonder oil-please take a look at the videos below and learn the wonders of this oil, and try some for yourself, I prefer Tropical Traditions brand, but you can find several good quality coconut oil and use it inside and out.Make sure the coconut oil you purchase is un-refine, cold press, 100%virgin coconut oil. I love cooking with the oil, oil pulling, skin and scalp conditioning, lip moisturizer, fat burner, and protection of immune system, so many many more nature healthy benefits.

OK, so I decided to keep some data about my personal findings about coconut oil and keep this as a journal to document my health. I have listed a variety of Coconut Benefits and I will add to each one if I have any experience from that

After I made the following video, it had only been 4 months since I was taking the coconut oil, now it is almost time to do a 1 year review. By the end of November 2010, I will do a one year review on the coconut oil, and this will be about the time the cold and flu season hits Southern California.

Coconut Oil Benefits In Medicine

Traditional medicine among the Asian and Pacific population have used the healing properties of coconut oil extensively and to great effect. Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness.
Scientists have recently discovered the healing properties of coconut oil and how it can be used in modern medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Because it is a natural product it doesn’t contain the man made additives that are often found in similar products.
Here’s  are some of the reasons why coconut oil is so highly regarded by me:
I have not had the flu in over 2 years, I did get the regular flu shot in 2008, but in 2009 the Swine Flu shot I did not take.
*Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. It kills viruses that have a lipid (fatty) coating, such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis C, the flu, and mononucleosis. Coconut oil isn’t a cure in itself, but it does contain these properties that fight against such ailments.

I have not had a sore throat in a very long time, I still have my tonsils.

I have not had yeast infections since I have been on low carb and taking coconut oil, I usually get a yeast infection if I take certain antibiotics.

*It also kills the bacteria that cause pneumonia, sore throats,dental cavities, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, food poisoning, pneumonia, and many more bacterial infections. It kills the fungus/yeast infections that cause candida, ringworm, athletes foot, thrush, jock itch, diaper rash and more.

I have a lot of energy now, I do not get tired mid day, and I can walk everyday after work for 1 hour, usually 2 miles.
I feel like it does help with weight loss, when I take the oil in the mornings, I feel a warmth, almost like a heat in my stomach, only for a short time, I am not hungry or tired

*Coconut oil is able to boost energy levels and endurance. It is not stored like other fats and actually breaks down much quicker within the liver and used like a carbohydrate. Athletes and bodybuilders use it as a natural supplement in sports drinks. It also increases your metabolism which is great for anyone wanting to lose weight*. In fact there is a whole industry devoted to losing weight through coconut products and recipes.

I use to always have to run to the bathroom, if I got nervous, stressed or even excited, now I have no problems with my bowel habits becoming out of control
* Digestion – Coconut oil helps in improving the digestive system and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals and amino acids thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have anti microbial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc., that cause indigestion. Diabetics use it to reduce their symptoms a d the risk of diabetes is reduced with regular use of coconut oil in your cooking.
* Coconut oil contains high levels of anti-oxidants which help to protect the body from free radicals and prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging.
* Coconut oil is actually good for your heart despite the bad press it has received over the years. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps to prevent various heart related problems such as high ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Other Coconut Oil Benefits

I have dry scalp from medications I take and also my hair is growing faster than before, it is the longest I have had since I was a teenager

*Hair Care: Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It promotes healthy hair providing it with a shinny complexion. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry.* It acts as an excellent shampoo or conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. It is therefore used as hair care oil and used in manufacturing various conditioners, and dandruff relief creams.

I have not tried this yet, but for sure I will, and let you know
* Stress Relief: Coconut oil is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress. Applying coconut oil to the head followed with a gentle massage helps in removing mental fatigue.
I slather the oil all over my skin, and I feel refreshed

* Skin Care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil. But unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. Therefore coconut oil forms the basic ingredient of various body care products such as soaps, lotions, creams, etc., used for skin care.
* Anti-Itch Cream: Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, so it’s possible it would bring some relief from bug bites, as it promotes healing.
* Healing Balm: Since it’s anti-inflammatory, coconut oil might be useful as a salve to speed healing of bruises, strains, and sore muscles.
I have to try this, because recently I have been bitten by bugs since the weather is changing and my bites are healing faster than before.
* Mosquito repellent: Coconut oil is used in many mosquito repellents as a natural product, rather than using Deet. Just by eating it or using it as a shampoo or face cream etc., could ward of those pesky bugs!
Because of my auto immune disease, my joints are affected when I get sick, my immune system goes into attacked to fight and gets my healthy joints, as longs as I can stay healthy and not get sick with flu, colds, food poisoning, bug bites, even scratches, the coconut oil protects me.
Coconut oil is truly the healthiest oil you can consume. It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for being antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal, and contains no trans fat (even olive oil has some trans fat). You can even use it on your skin to help prevent wrinkles.

Here are several Videos on Oil Pulling

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thicker Hair, Natural Remedy

have been taking Biotin5000 MCG x1 capsule per week, I also ingest coconut oil, and add coconut oil, and cayenne pepper to my scalp as a deep conditioner, and rinse with apple cider vinegar. I am 53, my hair is thicker and healthier. My eye lashes are thicker. I apply coconut oil to my face at night and also condition my eye lashes.
Potassium is an important mineral, I am drinking apple cider vinegar and water, which has alot of potassium in it, and will be trying lime and water..both give me a natural amount of potassium to help control my blood pressure, and my arthritic pain...I am under a doctor's care.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Update on my Oil Pulling Experiment,

This was an amazing day for me, I just finished oil pulling on an empty stomach for 20 minutes...then, the burst of energy happen, and I did my laundry, ran up and down the stairs several times and was getting ready to watch the Oscars, and then I decided to make low carb pizza's with low carb tortilla's and then decided to make a video. This day was a totally pain free day, I had no joint pain, amazing energy and I believe the Oil Pulling helped enhance my over whelming energy that day...I am still in the experiment stage, and my next video and blog will relate more of the changes that are going on with me...stay tune, I have alot to share, and and up date on my just starting with some fasting along with my low carb lifestyle...I am not 100% yet, but soon, I will pick a date to committe, right now, I am still trying to get my walking in, the time will be changing soon, and it will remain day light longer, my favorite time of the year!

I had a good day today, the sun was shining, my joint pain was gone, and I had a low carb Oscars pizza party!!--

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Enbrel, Weight Gain and Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil-My Experiment

Well, I have been away from making videos on You Tube for awhile. I had a major flare up with my index finger and the pain was increasing, and I decided to just take a break and not make any videos.

The kick start low carb plan is going good, still have EXTRA 12 pounds of weight gain to get off because of medications and also over doing it with too many carbs over the holidays..I am cool with that. It's really hard when Xmas and birthdays run into January, my daughter turned 21 January 11, velvet cake is always going to be on her birthday, no matter what!! The struggle to get into ketosis will take a break, but that's a real good feeling when ketotis kicks in and I am on my way back to the healthier me.

Excuse my horrible fingers, my nails won't grow like they use to , this is the index finger that was so inflamed, it was burning hot, not from an injury.
This is my other hand, the middle finger is deformed, and also index finger, the index finger had cortisone injection about a year ago, the nail is growing back, but the joint is damaged.

 I had to go back on the Enbrel injections right before Christmas. I had went to the doctor in December, my index finger was so inflamed for about 5 weeks, there was no change. I knew if I asked the doctor to give me a cortisone shot, he would give me a injection in the finger joint, I needed relief and this time was my last time getting cortisone for a long time, so I went through the 5 minutes of crying like a baby and feeling the pain of the injection, but I knew it would be over in about 5 minute..and it was. I knew that I could not continue getting the cortisone shots and the pain was getting worse and the Doctor suggested that I go back on the Enbrel. I started back taking 50mg weekly injections of Enbrel, and within 3 days, my joints in my fingers were amazingly pain-free. Enbrel is a very powerful drug, it is almost like rolling the dice with your immune system. I personally did not experience any of the severe side effects, I was only on a 12 week dose the first time, and a few weeks in between. I wanted to give my body a rest, see if I could manage the joint pain and build up my immune system, before I have another major flare up. I have been diagnosed about 2 years ago with an auto immune inflammatory disease pointing toward psoriatic arthritis. I never had psoriasis, but I still can have the arthritis.I carry the gene marker HLA-B27 which is why my  immune system attacks my joints when any infection occurs in my body, but it really means, that sometimes, my body just tries to fight the infection, even if there isn't any, and by taking the Enbrel, it suppresses the immune system allowing my body to rid the inflammation caused by this attack. My lower back is what could ultimately become filled with inflammation causing me not to be able to walk, my knees, my ankles and my toe and finger joints have taken their turn attacking me..but I fight back the best I can , and walking has been a cure for mental wellness too.
going for a walk out in the sun does provide me with enough vitamin D, which helps my mental wellness
Ok, now that I have gotten that out of the way....Enbrel down side for me is weight gain...actually I believe also I was eating a lot of foods that was not on my low carb plan over the holidays, and before I knew it..12 lbs came on pretty quick, which I believe 7lbs was from the Enbrel. I have been on the Enbrel for about 4 weeks, then I wanted to go off it to see if I could let my immune system come back, and be nice to me...also I went to the dentist and I have to have a deep cleaning, which may cause my gums to bleed .I have to be off the Enbrel 3 weeks before I can have this done. So,now I have been off the Enbrel for almost 2 weeks, I feel fine, and I have gone back to taking coconut oil regularly, and I have been feeling so much energy and feeling that my weight loss will start back, once the Enbrel is out of my system, usually it take about 3 week...
I have been researching and following people who claim "oil pulling" has been removing toxins from your body, just like I consume 1 table spoon of coconut oil in the morning, usually in my coffee, now I will try oil pulling, 1 tablespoon for 15minutes a day, on an empty stomach, meaning when I wake up in the morning, instead of taking the coconut oil as a supplement, I will actually will be "swishing" the oil, and then spit it out, and in a trash bag and treat it like toxic waste because the toxins mixed with your saliva shows as Toxic foam filled with bacteria and hosts of yuck!. Also, the teeth become whiter, healthier gums and bones. I do have bone loss around my back molar, so I will be documenting my health to see if I seen any signs of more improvement with my health. I have not had a cold, flu or sore throat in over a year since I have been taking coconut oil, if anything, that is what I believe kept me well and not falling deathly sick while being on the Enbrel...

Update 2-9-2011

I found my camera, and I decided to talk a bit about my experiment with oil pulling, and to tell the truth, those 15 minutes of swishing is worth it!!! I have this feeling of happiness

Discover the amazing health benefits of coconut meat, milk, water, and oil. In this book you will learn how to use coconut to prevent heart disease, dissolve kidney stones, balance blood sugar and control diabetes, enhance the immune system, protect against cancer, boost your energy and increase your metabolism, lose excess body fat, kill disease-causing bacteria and viruses, and relieve symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome...and I know if I keep researching and learning, I stay active in taking control of my health

Stay tuned, I will be documenting my journey and another educational video will be coming soon with all the technical details I have been experiencing and my health, especially my auto immune disease which I may have found an alternative way to manage chronic pain.